Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Decision Support Systems Technology

It’s been said that there’s a technological device for just about everything these days, and that statement holds true in the medical field, perhaps especially so. There is even technology nowadays that acts as a decision support system for healthcare professionals. One of the most acclaimed of these technologies is offered by, for example.

This system and others like it is designed to help practitioners during and/or after they provide care. The application helps them, first of all, to determine the level of medical decision making. All they have to do is enter data as requested by the app to receive a level recommendation.  

If the clinician is happy with the recommendation and agrees with it, he or she can then use it to aid in the billing process. Even if the practitioner ultimately does not agree with the recommendation provided by the app, he or she can use it as a jumping off point to start making important choices.

These technologies are mobile and can be accessed via Smartphones or tablets for convenient, easy, on-the-go use. Most professionals who try the app and others like it love it and agree that these technologies are making their jobs a whole lot easier.

If you are a healthcare clinician, are you using todays new healthcare app, DeductorMD?