Friday, December 12, 2014

Medical Apps Deemed a Necessity in Medical Field

Once upon a time, medical apps were viewed as somewhat of a novelty. They weren’t widely used at first and were only adopted by larger, more powerful companies. Eventually, though, apps became more widely available and more affordable, leading to more widespread use. In recent years, apps have become available that can be used not just by healthcare professionals but also by consumers.
While medical apps aren’t really seen as a novelty anymore, they still aren’t being utilized as much or as effectively as they could be. Apps need to be used not just as “extra help” but as full and vital parts of entire health and wellness information systems and practices. There’s also a need for apps that better enable patients with diagnosed medical conditions to manage those conditions. 

Other needs are evident as they relate to healthcare apps as well. For example, most apps are too simple and basically just provide a more convenient way to access information. That’s helpful, but there’s a push toward apps that can do more- such as track and manage data on-the-go, that can measure vitals, and for there to actually be “prescription apps” related to certain conditions in the near future.

Currently, researchers are collecting data on which apps are the most useful and successful, in the hopes of keeping the results in mind as they develop new and better apps. Currently, convenient mobile apps tend to be favorites among both patients and healthcare professionals. In fact, researchers are predicting that the use of mobile healthcare apps will increase about 25% per year indefinitely.

That’s a pretty fast increase, but it only makes sense. As the world in general becomes more and more technologically reliant, it’s no wonder that one of the world’s most important fields- the medical field- would be taking advantage of the tools at its disposal and, in line with the goals of the healthcare industry, seeking to constantly improve them.

If you are a healthcare clinician, are you using todays new healthcare app, DeductorMD?

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