Monday, December 22, 2014

Medical Evaluation and Management Applications

When it comes to medical evaluation and management, healthcare professionals have a tough job ahead of them. There is so much data to be collected and to sort through. Plus, one also has to consider the level of the medical decision making process at hand.   

Fortunately, and amazingly, there are apps that can actually help with this difficult process. Typically, these apps start by determining the level of the decision to be made. The level is based upon various factors, such as:
·         The number and breadth of possible diagnoses
·         The number of options to be considered
·         The amount of medical records available
·         The complexity of those records
·         Diagnostic testing information
·         Possible complications
·         Whether there is a risk of death involved

After considering these factors, the app is then able to help the clinician perform a thorough and proper evaluation for the patient and to input the right medical codes related to the problems and treatments received.

The most high quality and useful of these apps can typically be used on mobile devices for the convenience of both the doctor and the patient. Most Smartphones and tablets are compatible with these types of apps.

Not only do these programs make medical evaluation and management much easier, quicker processes, but other benefits include:
·         Immediate data processing
·         Eliminates the need for guesswork
·         Reduces the risk of dangerous oversights
·         Alerts the clinician to the correct MDM level very quickly

The best part is that these apps tend to be quite affordable and are comparable to other professional applications. There are even some apps that are free of charge! However, it is typically only the paid apps that offer this level of features and options. Many people try out the free ones or request a trial version of the paid ones first, however, to get a feel for how they work, and, more often than not, they’re left wondering how they ever lived without this awesome, helpful technology.

If you are a healthcare clinician, are you using todays new healthcare app, DeductorMD?

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